To be a rich person like DJ Khaled, using dental care accessories also requires gold plating

The mega-producer stated, “I don’t know how to do anything halfway,” in reference to his collaboration with Aurezzi, which includes the production of toothpaste and mouthwash with the brand.

It is evident that DJ Khaled has a fantastic ear for a good collaboration, as evidenced by the fact that he has four platinum albums and even more smash singles. Shortly after meeting the dental care specialists at Aurezzi, he had the distinct impression that they were on to something truly remarkable.

“When I got with the team, that’s when I got really excited, because they were so passionate about it,” the Grammy winner said in a recent interview with Robb Report. “I am the kind of person who, if I am going to do something, I don’t know how to do anything halfway,” one of my friends once said. On the other hand, I had the impression that they were putting their whole selves into the endeavour.

A few years later, Khaled is now a shareholder in Aurezzi, a Swedish company that markets itself as the world’s first luxury dental care brand. Aurezzi was founded in Sweden. For the purpose of commemorating the collaboration, he collaborated with the company to develop a brand-new gold toothbrush set that also includes toothpaste and mouthwash that contain gold.

The Swiss-made toothbrush that serves as the centrepiece of the set was manufactured by hand in Switzerland. The brush that you used when you were younger is quite similar to the manual model that Khaled uses because he wants to make sure that he is “really getting the job done” himself. It is plated in 24-karat gold, which is the one and only significant exception. As a result of its one-of-a-kind finish, the brush will look great on any countertop, particularly when it is positioned in the stand that is designed to match it. The creamy toothpaste and the mouthwash, both of which include 24-karat gold particles, are equally as luxurious as all of the other products. In order to assist in the reconstruction of the surface of your teeth, the former contains hydroxyapatite, which, according to studies, is more effective than fluoride in avoiding dental sensitivity. On the other hand, the latter was developed to inhibit germs and remineralize teeth.

The brush designed by Aurezzi is chic and practical at the same time. The company was established by Noel Abdayem, a dentist who is also the founder of The Humble Co., which is a manufacturer of environmentally concerned toothbrushes that cost approximately $6 each. For the purpose of providing your gums with a comprehensive cleaning, the head of the brush is tightly packed with more than 5,000 bristles that are either soft or medium in texture. (The gold plating gives it a small heaviness that other manual brushes do not have, but it feels similar to other toothbrushes when it is applied to the teeth and gums.)

“When we speak about luxury—it’s a lifestyle,” Khaled told us, highlighting the point that we were trying to make. Furthermore, luxury is not merely something that you flaunt and show off; rather, luxury is the manner in which you stroll.

You can place an order for the 24-karat gold oral care series in collaboration with DJ Khaled and Aurezzi right now through the brand’s official website. It is possible to purchase each individual piece separately, however the total cost of the set is $179. There is a price tag of $59 for the toothbrush, $49 for the stand, $39 for the toothpaste, and $39 for the mouthwash that will steal the show. Fear not, however, if you do not have the same passion for yellow gold as Khaled does. Additionally, the brush and stand are offered in rose gold and silver at the same pricing as their other counterparts.