What is contained within the brand-new Magellano 30M from Azimut?

Creating a modern, sustainable crossover that could easily last the distance was Azimut’s main goal when designing the newest model in the Magellano range of crossovers. All of these requirements are met by the 29.7-meter Magellano 30M, which is currently the Italian builder’s proud flagship vessel in the Magellano fleet.


Ken Freivokh and Vincenzo De Cotiis created the design, with Azimut adding a new and contemporary twist while taking cues from the classic style of long-range trawler yachts. The end product is a classic boat that appeals to seasoned owners who value style and defy convention.



This article provides additional information about the ground-breaking features that Azimut’s builders and designers outfitted the Magellano 30M with. Azimut originally developed this “crossover” concept in 2007.