The Astonishing Money Game: Michael Jordan’s Unbelievable $100k Bet on a Round of Rock Paper Scissors

Within the NBA community, Michael Jordan is revered as a legendary figure. Videos and statistics attest to the star player for the Chicago Bulls’ prowess in the hoop. Beside the court? Not at all.


Regarding gambling, Jordan remains the subject of much conversation. Regrettably, this is not the favorable variety. Numerous bets he participated in caused us to, for lack of a more polite expression, question his mental stability. We have discovered a dubious gambling incident involving Jordan.

The perseverance of Michael Jordan as a speculator

At the time, Michael Jordan, the Airness, was the most assured athlete. He issued challenges to those who dared to challenge his throne and executed his decisions with forethought. This occurs exclusively on the court. The shooting guard for the Chicago Bulls was as “Bull-headed” off the court as he could be.

Jason Williams, a former teammate of Jordan’s, contributed to ‘The Brilliant Idiot’ podcast in 2015. He humorously reminisced about his basketball days, the tragedy that prevented him from participating, and, most significantly, his gambling exploits with the one and only Michael Jordan.

Williams initially disclosed that the prospect of signing a multimillion-dollar contract upon entering the league was insurmountable, given his impoverished upbringing. As William traveled and observed other participants engage in gambling activities, he too developed the habit.


Williams approached his teammate and discussed how the other members of the team would place bets alongside Jordan.”There were once individuals on our team who were joking around with MJ,” he reminisced. “MJ then proposed, ‘Bet it back, bet this back.'”

The former point guard for the Bulls then reflected on why the others were placing bets against Jordan. He was, after all, extremely wealthy and would neither lose nor give up.

“Therefore, I inquired, ‘Why are you f**king with the major bank?'” Why do you feel the need to annoy Brand Jordan? He is incapable of losing. “He earned $150 million last year; why are you tampering with him?”

Jordan’s less-than-smart wager

It was implied by Williams that MJ’s funds were limitless. Everything appears to have been executed with intelligence, with the exception of his performance of the percussion roll for “rock, paper, scissors.”

You did indeed read that correctly.

Jordan, according to Jay Williams, never declined a chance to engage in a game of chance involving rock, paper, scissors. Moreover, it deviated from the norm of low-stakes games.

To provide some context, participants would occasionally place bets of $20,000 on a solitary round of the game that evoked nostalgia. William advised, “Consider wagering in an even more extreme fashion. You wager $20,000 (rock, paper, scissors) for the duration of the day. Why would you not? One becomes tired.


Moreover, he elaborated that Jordan’s unwavering commitment to the game compelled him to continue participating until he was placing wagers of up to $100,000.

“Also, avoid becoming discouraged during the dice game. Avoid being confined to a corner and allowing someone to continue dimming you out until you’re $100,000 down and he says, “Bet it back with rock, paper, scissors for $100,000.”

We were as taken aback by the news as the presenters of the podcast appeared to be, and likely even more so than you are at this moment.